conducting innovative projects


Comercial Industrial Delta S.A. "Cidelsa" was founded by Mr. Fernando Rodríguez Alvarez, and partners the November 3, 1967 in Lima, Peru.

This family business has experienced over time strong growth in the areas of construction, architecture, mining, agriculture, sanitation, etc. Being exporter of Latin American.

Following is a brief summary of some of our achievements.


Cidelsa began operations tailoring high quality rainwear for the fisheries and mining sectors as well as the manufacture of ventilation ducts for mining tunnels.

Cidelsa began operations tailoring high quality rainwear for the fisheries and mining sectors as well as the manufacture of ventilation ducts for mining tunnels

Making tents for circus was the beginning of the coverage of open spaces.

This year was the installation of the first tensile structure in Latin America, coverage Muelle Uno Convention Center in Lima, Peru.

The first supplies and installation of geomembranes in Peru took place:

• Water reservoir Centromin.
• Channel Pasto Grande.
• Waterproofing roofs.

Thus entering the market for geosynthetics.

It is given to the start line Flexible tanks for storing and transporting water.

Pipes marketing beginning.

Opening of facilities and plant in San Juan de Miraflores, Lima, Peru.

The above activities were in districts like Callao and San Borja.

Weatherhaven Canadian Company, leader in the manufacture of modules for camps worldwide, signed an agreement with Cidelsa for manufacturing its modules in Latin America.

The first export by installing coverage of Alicante Central Patio del Sol College in Santiago, Chile is given, this being the first tensostructure in Chile.

Cidelsa received his first international award and is known as the International Achievement Awards (IAA) organized by (IFAI) for his work with tensestructrures on South Plaza Lima, Chorrillos and Malecón del Rio in Peru.

Cidelsa receives the award for his work IFAI Barena Square, which was notable for the complexity, design, performance and functionality.

Start is given to the biodigesters, economic systems which gives a great alternative to the agro to generate biogas, fertilizers generators to avoid problems by animal waste.

Cidelsa get three international awards:

The South Laguna, plots, and Mount Tabor Chile Metro stations highlighted in two categories "Award of Excellence" and "Outstanding Achievement Award".

The District Department of the secretariat stressed environment in the category "Outstanding Achievement Award".

SGS Peru international certification Cidelsa determined that meets the standards and requirements of the ISO-9001-2008 standard in marketing geomembranes, geotextiles, pipes, geogrids, erosion control blankets, gabions including Geosynthetics.

Start is given to the Visual Line, dedicated to the design and manufacture of textile structures for advertising, as well as architecture, furniture and decoration shops, shopping centers and other retail settings.

Cidelsa build the largest dome Peru.

CIDELSA es reconocida con el premio International Achievement Award 2015 (IAA) por su excelencia en el diseño aplicado a membranas o telas especiales

CIDELSA siempre a la vanguardia presenta su nueva línea “Fachada textil” una solución innovadora aplicando productos sintéticos industriales.

A mediados del mes de Junio inauguramos nuestra planta de tuberías estructuradas en Lurín.

A nuestros 50 años logramos la construcción del techado del almacén de minerales más grande del mundo para nuestro cliente Impala.